[Webinar] Empowering Project Excellence with Power PPM

Join Storm Technology and Projectum for a webinar where we will explore how low-code solution, Power PPM, can help transform project management processes.

The author of this page: Brianna Bracken
Brianna Bracken, Marketing Executive Jun 22, 2023

While project management software has formed a core component of project management processes for organisations for many years, in a 2020 survey of project managers only 35% were ‘somewhat or very satisfied’ with the systems in place. With current systems still falling short and constant new technology advancements emerging, it can be difficult for project managers to know which solution will support their needs now and into the future.

Gartner has predicted that by 2025, 70% of new business applications will use low-code/no-code technologies, and project management solutions are no exception. Projectum’s Power PPM is built on Microsoft’s Power Platform, a named leader in Gartner’s 2023 Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Low-Code Application Platforms for the fourth consecutive year. Power PPM allows project managers to tap into the flexibility of low-code while still providing the level of complexity and advanced functionality needed.

 If you would like to learn more about how low-code is shaping the future of project management tools, join Malek Al-Shayeb, Principal PPM Consultant at Storm, and Christian Holse Fanning, Partner & PPM Expert at Projectum for a webinar on the 22nd of June at 10:00 am (GMT +1)where we will showcase Power PPM and help attendees understand how low-code can help transform project management in their organisation.

During this session we will cover;

  • The New Age of Project Management Tools

  • Showcase of Power PPM

  • Where Organisations Can Unlock Value with Power PPM

  • Getting Started with Migration

All registrants will be able to avail of a free trial of the solution.

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