5 Misconceptions About The Cloud

With Cloud Adoption in the EU at 46% in 2022, many organisations have yet to unlock the full business potential of the cloud. In today’s article we explore a few of the common cloud misconceptions that may be holding organisations back.

The author of this page: Conor Reynolds
Conor Reynolds, Marketing Intern May 16, 2022

If you are a key decision maker struggling to overcome the challenges presented by physical IT infrastructure but are unsure about migrating to the cloud, this article explores four myths surrounding cloud adoption and provides insights into how the cloud could benefit your organisation.

Cloud Computing is not secure enough

With executives citing security of public cloud infrastructure as a top concern in the past, cloud service providers have made major investment into their underlying security capabilities. Billions have been invested into cloud security and thousands of top cyber experts have been hired. Now Gartner predicts that by 2025, 99% of security failures will be the customers fault and not that of the security provider. With providers zeroing in on security over the past couple of years, you can now even increase the level of security in your cloud service. This can be done through the use of behaviour based key management servers and encryption management keys to give your files an extra layer of protection. This state of the art encryption and effective key management play a vital role in protecting client data.

To find the cloud provider that is the best fit for your organisation in terms of security features, it is important to work with your technology partner. There are numerous ways to increase security so don’t be fooled by the misconception that security features are limited with a cloud service.

Cloud is not reliable enough

A common misconception is that an on-premise system is more reliable than the cloud at backing up system data. Many feel that their on-premise infrastructure is reliable enough, however with cloud computing your data gets monitored and maintained year round by well trained and highly qualified security specialists. With cloud solutions, data can be backed up to multiple locations, which provides an added level of protection. Also, of you lose connectivity to the cloud, you can be sent email updates of any critical events, and these can be picked up by a mobile device. As data is stored on the cloud, the user can have constant access to the data they need, allowing them to work flexibly from any location. This flexibility makes it a very reliable solution.

Cloud is more expensive

Another common misconception is that cloud computing is more expensive. Although cloud migration has some up-front costs, it will save you money in the long run. This is due to the fact that the constant investment in on-premise software can be quite expensive with money going towards your servers, routers, software, IT employee compensations and licences. However, moving to the cloud makes things significantly more affordable as you are using an infrastructure that a provider purchases and manages meaning that you can share resources while avoiding the costs of making the purchases yourself. Most providers also offer pay as you go plans that bill your organisation based on usage statistics.

Everything needs to be run on cloud

A final misconception about the cloud is that it needs to be used for everything. However, this is not the case. Cloud is a great fit in a lot of cases such as highly variable or unpredictable workloads, although some applications such as legacy applications can be best to be kept on an on-premise system. Knowing that not all applications are applicable to the cloud may make migration seem less daunting for some organisations as they do not need to lift and shift every single workload they have.

If you would like to learn more about how your organisation can benefit from cloud adoption, get in touch to speak to one of our specialists.

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