Boost Productivity with Power Automate

The tech stack of the future for workflows, Microsoft’s Power Automate provides organisations with the opportunity to radically improve productivity and efficiency.

The author of this page: Michel Mendes
Michel Mendes, Senior Consultant Jul 13, 2021

While SharePoint Designer Workflows remain supported for existing tenants, the feature has been turned off by default on new SharePoint online tenants and deprecated, meaning no new development or enhancement will be provided.

For organisations seeking to automate and improve their workflows for repetitive tasks, Power Automate provides a natural alternative.

Key advantages

One of the key advantages is that the information flow can be integrated across different technologies very simply, reducing the pressure on developers to build custom code.

Connectors can be used to enable data to flow from one system to another: for example from Salesforce to SharePoint and Azure. Systems integration becomes much easier for enterprises to enable.

Personal productivity can be greatly enhanced, with every user able to create Flows for their own repetitive workflows and make currently cumbersome and manual work fully automated.

Executive intelligence

Microsoft’s AI Builder is a tool that ensures a new level of executive intelligence and extra information being extracted from documents with no need for data scientists or engineers to build complex processes.

The information in documents can be categorised and extracted automatically and compiled into new reports that simplify everyday work life.

For example, all the data from within a picture of a receipt can be extracted to automatically build expenses reports without the need for time-wasting manual tasks. Similarly, language recognition can automatically direct a customer connecting with a multi-national business to the right subsidiary.

The AI capabilities can provide a more predictive approach to data. For example, a healthcare company could leverage AI capabilities to predict an individual’s likelihood of developing diabetes based on age, weight, diet and other pre-defined factors. The AI builder can be “trained” to build new models with no coding knowledge.

Growing upsides

The upsides for organisations from Power Automate in terms of reducing manual workflows and building simple workflows with the opportunity to build in AI capability is growing all the time.

The trend to automate more processes in the cloud has grown significantly since the onset of the pandemic and will only grow in the future as organisations understand the benefits of Microsoft investment in a platform that enables integration across Dynamics 365, SharePoint, SQL Server and third party services such as Salesforce.

At Storm Technology, we help companies like yours harness the potential of Microsoft Power Platform, from team upskilling to application and workflow design. Get in touch to find out more.

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