Empower Marketing with D365 Customer Insights

With customer data remaining a top priority for successful sales and marketing teams, today’s article explores the top benefits of Dynamics 365 Customer Insights. 

The author of this page: Prateek Desai
Prateek Desai, Practice Director - D365 Customer Engagement & Power Platform Mar 06, 2024

Combining the capabilities of D365 Marketing and the old D365 Customer Insights, the new D365 Customer Insights solution now offers a more unified view of customer journeys. Bringing the core features of D365 Marketing and D365 Customer Insights together enables marketers to build more accurate customer profiles, leaving no stone unturned when it comes to tailoring customer experiences. Below we discuss some of the top benefits of using D365 Customer Insights and how it can empower marketing in your business. 

Build 360-Degree Customer Profiles 

Leveraging customer data to build well-rounded customer profiles is the key to creating personalised content and delivering memorable brand experiences in 2024. However, less than 20% of organisations have achieved a 360-degree view of their customers, according to Gartner. This makes it difficult for marketers to create tailored content for each specific stage of the buyer's journey. Not only that, but without an accurate customer profile, it is more difficult to create relevant content that resonates with the customer. Take for example a customer who has already independently researched the product your company sells. They are now evaluating other companies who also sell the same product. There is no point providing them with content discussing the features and benefits of the product as they already know this information. What you need to do at this stage is create content promoting your brand, discussing why they should purchase from you and what makes you different from competitors. Monitoring the customers' interactions with your brand will help you map their journey so you can target them more effectively and provide them with the right content at the right time, helping your brand stand out. Dynamics 365 Customer Insights helps businesses achieve this by building those 360-degree profiles you need to transform how you interact with customers. D365 Customer Insights eliminates fragmented data by providing an end-to-end view of customer journeys, with details like interactions, activities and preferences that help you create more engaging content and experiences. 

Boost Productivity with Artificial Intelligence (AI) 

Using AI-powered virtual assistant, Copilot, marketers can get recommendations for images and text so you can create interesting and impactful email campaigns quickly and easily. Copilot even helps streamline other marketing processes like creating customer segments, summarising customer profiles and helping teams better understand customer data using natural language queries. Copilot in D365 Customer Insights helps drive productivity and reduce the amount of manual work on marketing teams. 

Foster Real-Time Customer Interactions 

Research has shown that businesses that respond quickly and before competitors win approximately 35-50% of sales opportunities. Responsive interactions are critical to closing sales. D365 Customer Insights allows businesses to react to customer interactions in real-time through automation. Simply choose the trigger and the method you would like to engage with the potential customer, and you can interact with them instantaneously. For example, you can choose to send customers an email or text reminder to complete their purchase after they abandon cart on your website, helping you to make more sales. Or you can choose to trigger an order confirmation or ’thank you for your purchase’ email once a purchase has been completed, providing customers with order details and tracking information quickly. 

D365 Customer Insights is part of the Dynamics 365 suite of business applications, including D365 Sales, D365 Customer Service and D365 Business Central. Integrating these solutions can help you create a unified business platform that enables teams to work more effectively and better meet client expectations. If you would like to learn more about D365 Customer Insights, get in touch today. 


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