Optimise Project Management with MS Project

Businesses large and small are tasked with managing multiple projects, plans and people at any one time. Having the correct solution in place can help things run more smoothly, allowing projects to be more successful, profitable and accurate.

The author of this page: Brianna Bracken
Brianna Bracken, Marketing Executive Dec 14, 2020

Project management has one simple goal, to help the team involved in managing projects achieve their objectives easily and efficiently. For any given project this means ensuring it is delivered in-line with all pre-defined requirements, on-time and within budget. Tracking performance against these requirements, budgets and timelines, project management software can essentially make the project manager’s lives easier, improving visibility across all stages of the project life cycle.

Project management software delivers real business benefits by providing relevant and reliable information that project stakeholders can have confidence in. This is done by obtaining good data and processing it effectively to present real-time reports for review to allow employees to see and prioritise what to action. To give the best results, project management tools must manage project data such as tasks, task descriptions, milestones, assignments of what's expected for each task and cost rates along with data concerning resources including working calendars, skills and experience available.

One of the most recognised names on the market, Microsoft, continues to remain a giant in the industry with over 20 million users across many leading brands. Microsoft Project offers a full suite of services that was quick to dominate the project management software field when it was first introduced. With many project managers managing many projects at once, they often require a lot of functionality and uses from a single solution.

Let's look at some of the business benefits of implementing MS Project;

Painless Project Planning:

One of the key benefits of a project management system is automation when it comes to project planning and scheduling. Taking the guesswork out of project estimations, automation enables managers to build a solid foundation for their project by harnessing the tools at their disposal to accurately scope out roles, key objectives and milestones. It also allows managers to easily keep up-to-date and track progress against goals as you go.

Pipeline Forecasting

Often project managers are expected to lead and manage multiple projects at once, but if not managed efficiently multi-project management can lead to a lack of visibility into the progress of any one project. However, the correct project management software can give an insight into all ongoing or completed projects to catch any bottlenecks before they become a problem.

Improved Resource Management

Resource management is one of the most critical tasks to keep on top of during each project to ensure success and the best standards of work for employees. Microsoft Project can give insights into resource availability and allocation, ensuring managers know when to add more or fewer employees to a certain project.

Enhanced Communication & Collaboration

Project management solutions improve collaboration between project teams. Although team members have individual tasks for a project, they must still be able to collaborate and keep up to date on project progress. The team will need to discuss timelines and dependencies regularly. Microsoft Project allows for easy integration with other Microsoft products allowing for easy collaboration where they can easily step in and help with tasks where needed giving a better employee experience and boosting productivity.

Better Customer Satisfaction

Smart and effective project management directly correlates to enhanced customer satisfaction. When you deliver a project smoothly keeping to a timeline and budget, customers will appreciate this good experience and be more likely to return for another project, boosting customer retention for a business.

Overall, Project Management Solutions provide an efficient way to break down your project and build sufficient schedules, manage budget and allocate resources. Microsoft Project and Portfolio Management can offer the above benefits and can be tailored to suit your specific needs.

If you would like to learn more, speak to one of our specialists today.

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