Signs You're Ready for Cloud ERP

In the last few years, a new wave of cloud ERP has fundamentally transformed the relationship between employees, customers and technology. ERP in the cloud gives you the tools you need to apply a thorough and lasting digital transformation to your business.

The author of this page: Deirdre Lysaght
Deirdre Lysaght, Marketing Executive Feb 23, 2021

Find out why it’s time for you to move your ERP to the cloud and how you can equip your business with the necessary tools for a successful digital transformation.

Manual Processes

The repetitive nature of inputting, cross-checking and merging of data causes unnecessary delays, frustrations and prevents efficiency. This in turn hinders business innovation, overall performance and employee happiness. A good ERP software will integrate the latest tools and dashboard into one common interface – making it easy for you and your team to communicate effectively and work much more efficiently.

Accurate Visibility

Crucial business data and information unavailable when you need it? As decision-makers of an enterprise, having clear, accurate and consistent insight on hand is essential to make data-driven decisions for your business.

With a cloud-based ERP system, you’ll have access to real-time visibility with accurate data and reporting to help your business identify and meet challenges whenever and wherever it is needed.

Managing Growth

Managing growth and opportunities can be one of the most difficult challenges that businesses face. And if your business isn’t keeping pace or is struggling to meet the day-to-day demands of customers that you can’t pursue new opportunities, then it’s time.

Upgrading to a cloud-based ERP can offer you the freedom of scalability you need to take advantage of emerging business opportunities. Leverage new technologies – like machine learning and predictive analytics in Dynamics 365 Business Central – and accelerate your organisation’s processes to facilitate business growth.

Remain Competitive

The tools and applications you need in today’s dynamic business landscape may change from week-to-week and having the flexibility your business requires will be crucial to remain competitive.

Traditional ERP software has complex system architecture that is inflexible, costly to maintain and impossible to upgrade. Over time, the underlying drawbacks of traditional ERP applications drastically limit the capabilities of the business. In comparison, cloud-based ERP like Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central delivers customisable solutions at a faster speed and much lower cost.


If you’re basing forecasts on end-of-quarter reports, inaccurate data or just guesswork, then you may be holding your business back. A good ERP system should give you instant access to all your data and information in real-time to provide further control and visibility to decision-makers.

Cloud-based ERP like Dynamics 365 Business Central provides users with an end-to-end view across the business and offers easy accessibility from any device via the cloud platform.

Updates & Upgrades

As the company grows, optimising your business processes will be imperative to accommodate changing business needs but the traditional ERP system’s rigid architecture is extremely limiting. From the excessive maintenance cost to the overly complex system updates and integration, traditional ERP software no longer equip modern businesses with a competitive advantage.

In contrast, a cloud-based ERP system like Dynamics 365 Business Central provides a rapid implementation of updates and upgrades, so its users are continually operating on the latest version.

To learn more about how your business could benefit from Cloud-based ERP, join our webinar 'Future proof your business with Cloud Financial Management' on Thursday 25th March 11am on Microsoft Teams.

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