UX Considerations for Low-Code App Design

The low-code revolution is making it easier than ever before to create efficient workplace solutions. Solutions that can improve overall productivity and staff engagement, yet failure to consider User Experience (UX) may be holding organisations back.

The author of this page: John Faull
John Faull, Software Engineer Jul 29, 2021

Simplifying the design and development process, low-code solutions such as Power Platform have revolutionised the way organisations think about solution design, but all too often the importance of a great UX is overlooked. Often the apps created are not designed from the perspective of the end-user, meaning the user's experience can end up largely ignored by the very people who want them to adopt and engage with the new app.

Good design is critical for any digital experience. If an app is confusing or unclear then more often than not users will simply not have the patience to interact with it.

Many of the low-code apps built are designed for regular information usually on mobile devices, such as sick leave notification forms. To maximise UX these forms designed should have consistent navigation and inputs. The user should always have a clear route back to avoid the common frustration of getting stuck in a cul-de-sac. Information requested should be kept to a minimum, consider pre-populating content where the system already knows details that are required in the form.

The more comfortable the user is with the app, the fewer questions they will have with regards to usage, in turn reducing resistance and boosting user engagement.

Good UX is to put yourself in the mind of the user. To understand how they work, what they will be expecting to see and do in the app, then ensure the app makes it easy for the user to complete their objective.

One of the key aspects of UX design is look and feel, and there is a saying "Beautiful things get forgiven". If an app looks clean, works smoothing and is intuitive, if the design takes into account what the user is trying to do and is easy to use, then they will happily interact with it.

Remember, the app should make the users' life easier than legacy manual methods, a mobile form for a site inspection visit should involve minimal clicks and be easier for the inspector than logging the information in a notebook and inputting back at the office.

Avoid excessive customisation, keep it simple, each app should use consistent tools such as calendars and date pickers so that if an organisation has 50 different apps, the user will know how to use each one with minimal training.

Low-code apps, such as those being built on Microsoft's Power Platform are enhancing customer service, boosting productivity and improving employee experience. They are simple to build and provide significant practical improvements to workflows and processes.

It is important to have a UX expert's eye when developing them; someone who understands and eliminates any issues the user may experience during their interaction. Mobile apps, in particular, can require additional design effort as there is considerably less screen real estate available so scrolling through a lengthy form on your phone may not be the best way to proceed. With design experience, there are other options.

Good UX takes into account all stakeholders, both the business as well as potential users, to create a smooth and straightforward process.

At Storm, our Power Platform advisory service helps organisations expand the possibilities of what digital technology can achieve for their business, from UX consultancy to solution training.

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