Why Businesses Need Customer Relationship Management Software

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software helps businesses of all sizes and industries manage customer accounts by storing customer data and tracking their interactions with the company. Today we will explore what CRM can do for your business.

The author of this page: James Donohoe
James Donohoe, Microsoft Business Applications Account Manager May 24, 2023

CRM enables organisations to streamline communications and enhance data management by having one cloud-based system to store information, creating unity and alignment among organisations. 

Below we explore how businesses can benefit from having customer relationship management software. 

Optimise Sales Activity  

Customer relationship management enables companies to enhance productivity within sales departments. By providing a complete overview of customer data, businesses can develop a better understanding of customer needs and preferences, and tailor their sales and marketing strategies accordingly. This means that consumers are targeted more effectively, improving the customer experience and sales in turn. 

The data provided by CRM can also be used to predict future sales activity, enabling businesses to plan and budget more accurately for the future. 

Align Sales and Marketing 

Customer relationship management enables departments to share customer information and data to one centralised system, allowing teams to operate as a cohesive unit, and provide customers with a seamless and consistent experience from initial contact to deal close.  

Additionally, CRM platforms ensure a smooth transition from marketing to sales by helping businesses to prioritise and nurture the right leads, and to connect with those leads at the right time, through their preferred channels.  

The alignment of sales and marketing departments is crucial to successful business operations, as they must cooperate to create a positive customer experience. CRM optimises this process by streamlining communication and enhancing collaboration among sales and marketing.

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Improved Customer Service 

As customer data from various departments such as sales, marketing and customer service is centralised, organisations can gain a more complete understanding of their customers. This can in turn help businesses to improve customer service, as information surrounding a customer’s purchase history or past interactions with the company is easily accessible to customer service agents, who can use this information to resolve queries quicker and more efficiently. 

Moreover, businesses can use CRM to create tailored messages for customers, that are more aligned with their individual needs. You can also store customers' preferred contact methods, as well as how often they have been contacted and what information they have already received from your business. This way you can ensure that you are not overwhelming the customer with too much information or sending them duplicate content. The overall experience is more personal and positive, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and improved customer service. 

Reporting and Analytics 

Customer relationship management software can deliver improved reporting and analytics capabilities. Using customer data, businesses can gain insight into key performance metrics such as customer acquisition costs and customer satisfaction. This can help companies to make more informed decisions and take action towards improving the customer experience and overall business strategy. 

If you would like to learn more about why your business should consider adopting a CRM, check out our case study with SalesSense or speak to one of our experts today. 

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