Why Organisations Should Choose an ISO Certified Partner
Following the catastrophic HSE attack last year, the reality of the dangers of cybercrime became abundantly clear. It scared a lot of organisations who could no longer hide behind the false belief that "this won't happen to me" and has put security at the top of people's minds.
In the context of data security, you are only as strong as your weakest point – and your suppliers are the back door into your systems.
This is why Storm is so proud to be an ISO Certified Partner, providing our customers with the assurance that we maintain the highest standards – and are continually audited to ensure that we hold them.
Storm has held ISO 9001 for Quality Management since November 2009 and ISO 27001 for Information Security since May 2018. Both standards last for three years and are subject to regular mandatory audits to ensure continued compliance.
Every three years, we are required to complete a reassessment audit in order to receive the standard for an additional three years.
At Storm, we are committed to ensuring the highest standards of data security and quality management in order to give our valued customers assurance that they can trust us completely.
Larger enterprises and government organisations have seen the value of ISO Certification for a number of years, but increasingly smaller organisations have begun to take note.
There are a number of key pillars around ISO Certification:
The processes that we work to are defined and any potential risks or weaknesses identified.
Implementation of process improvements and education across Storm, so that all staff are working in the right ways to ensure compliance.
Constant monitoring with auditors from Certification Europe checking on projects and policies to ensure we are adhering to the principles.
Enterprises know that they need to have consistency in delivery and quality from their supply chain and our ISO Certification ensures that we are Gold Standard in how we support them.
Having ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 is definitely a differentiator for Storm when we talk to our clients and partners: they need to know that their data and quality management is secure with their suppliers.