Why You Need an ERP System

An ERP system helps organisations manage their businesses with efficiency and flexibility. Bringing together finance, manufacturing, retail, supply chain, warehouse and inventory, ERP systems are a critical tool in unifying operations across the many departments businesses must manage.

The author of this page: Deirdre Lysaght
Deirdre Lysaght, Marketing Executive Sep 06, 2021

Instead of disparate processes, communication challenges between departments, and outdated systems, ERP systems provide insight and visibility across your business.

What can Enterprise Resource Planning systems do?

Automate Routine Tasks
Spend your time on what matters most by automating tasks that once took time, effort and resources. Automate reports, set triggers and alerts, and assign tasks to the right team members.

Provide a Single Source of Intelligence
Regardless of the needs of your customers and partners, an ERP solution can help you stay aligned across your assets, employees and goals—which means your team can work better together.

Unify Operations
Connect your warehouses, suppliers, subsidiaries and teams through a unified system, giving you total visibility of your supply chain throughout the globe.

Identify Areas Needing Support
Full visibility into your business operations lets you quickly spot trends, downturns or operational challenges that need your attention, helping you keep your business running at optimal capacity.

The benefits of ERP

In addition to driving improved visibility and insight, following are the additional benefits that an ERP solution can bring your business.

More Efficient Operations
Real-time insights and predictive intelligence come together to help you easily and efficiently identify and resolve anything that hinders optimal operations.

Low Costs
Improved efficiencies, budget control, and financial process automation let you keep a close watch on your costs and help identify areas for improvement.

Shared Best Practices
Connected departments make knowledge-sharing easier than ever, helping elevate all departments to their best performance.

Improved Team Productivity
Smoother operations and a central source of information boost productivity by bringing together people, data and processes.

Smarter Strategies
Connected data takes you beyond outdated spreadsheets, helping you plan growth using dynamic views of future strategic opportunities.

Features you should look for in an ERP Solution

As you explore different tools for resource planning or cloud ERP, make sure you find a system with the following features:

Multi-Department Integration
Look for a system that allows you to integrate a wide range of data and functions across your business, such as finance, manufacturing, human resources, inventory and sales.

Built-In intelligence
Machine learning and artificial intelligence can provide insights that help transform your products and customer interactions, guiding your teams to the right business outcomes.

Adaptable Platform
Customise, extend and integrate your solution with other apps, offering confidence your enterprise resource planning system will meet your needs as your business grows.

Invest in a system that offers a unified experience, letting you connect and share data across different apps.

Global Capabilities
Multi-national organisations must monitor country-specific compliance and tax guidelines. If your business operates throughout the globe, look for a global ERP solution.

Cloud ERP

In the past, ERP implementations were mostly on-premise. But with the convenience of accessing data in the cloud, cloud ERP implementations are more and more common.

Cloud ERP systems are flexible, giving you anywhere access to your information, boosting productivity and keeping teams connected throughout the globe. Being able to access data when on-the-go, or on-location with customers, partners and suppliers offers a level of convenience that moves business forward.

The straightforward implementation of cloud ERP systems can save time, resources and the headaches that may occur from complicated, on-premise implementations.

Operating on a monthly subscription, cloud ERP systems often do not require a high, up-front investment, which can make a big difference for smaller businesses.

Need Help?

Book a consultation with Storm today to see how your organisation can benefit from an ERP Solution. To learn more about what you need to consider when it comes to integrating an ERP solution, check out our e-book ERP Cloud Considerations.

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