Public Sector

Transform Operations and Deliver Modern Citizen Experiences

Empower employees with the tools required to meet and exceed the public service expectations of the digital citizen.

Transform Operations and Deliver Modern Citizen Experiences

Trusted by

Empowering public sector employees to achieve Public Service Excellence.

As technology continues to shape customer experiences across all sectors, with citizens expecting governments to adapt service delivery to match the modern-day delivery standards of the private sector. Expecting to access services quickly, efficiently, and in any location that is convenient for them.

Strategic digital transformation enables public sector organisations to deliver a modern employee experience, one optimised for productivity while simultaneously delivering improved citizen experiences and data security. A trusted partner to the Irish public sector, Storm Technology helps public sector organisations realise the potential of technology investment.

Team Meeting

Why Choose Storm?

With over 25 year’s experience delivering integrated software solutions, Storm Technology is a trusted partner of the Irish Public Sector. We work closely with your organisation to enhance citizen experience through the optimisation of back-office processes and the digitalisation of public services.

How We Work
Communicating Change Effectively

Managing Organisational Change

We understand that the shift towards a customer-centric business model requires more than technology change, it requires an organisation-wide cultural shift. Our dedicated change management team specialise in creating positive employee experiences to drive meaningful change and support the rapid adoption of new technologies and processes.

Change Management

We have worked closely with Storm Technology for a number of years, supporting the Build to Share Applications programme... The resources provided have been excellent and have enabled us to make a fundamental improvement in how applications are built, deployed and maintained within Government.

Owen Harrison
Head of Systems Development & Data @ Department of Public Expenditure and Reform
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Get in touch to find out how Storm Technology can help you grow your business with scalable, future-ready solutions.