SharePoint Premium

Reimagine Content Management with AI in SharePoint Premium

Transform how your organisation creates, processes and distributes content with AI-powered intelligent document processing technology.

Reimagine Content Management with AI in SharePoint Premium

Streamline content management with enhanced automation and AI.

In any organisation, large amounts of content are created, analysed and distributed across business functions daily. Content-based processes can be tedious and time-consuming. With AI and automation technology, SharePoint Premium can help organisations optimise operations and reduce process bottlenecks through the automation of tasks such as document processing and content distribution, all while maintaining the highest levels of data security and compliance.

Leveraging the power of AI, SharePoint Premium helps organisations optimise core document and knowledge management processes, reducing the time and effort associated with manual content processing. Enabling your team to focus on value add activities such as innovation and customer engagement. Backed by over 25 years of experience, the team at Storm has the technical insight and information management knowledge to help your business unlock the potential of SharePoint Premium.

What can Sharepoint Premium do for your business?

Streamline content management processes with automation capabilities.

Enhance operations by ensuring documents are approved or actioned as soon as possible.

Boost employee productivity by reducing time required for manual content management.


SharePoint Premium Key Features

SharePoint e-Signature (Coming Soon)

Eliminating the need for third party signature tools, easily request digital signatures or sign documents using the built-in e-signature tool.

Advanced Document Processing

Organise your business documents more efficiently by using Artificial Intelligence to analyse, classify, tag and categorise content.

Strengthen Governance

Content lifecycle management and access control capabilities allow admins to easily control document retention and access, ensuring proper governance.

Boost Content Accessibility

Automatic metadata extraction from content improves content searchability, making it easy to find the content you need fast.

Automate Content Distribution

Streamline workflows by automatically sending content to the relevant individual or department.

Content Assembly

Use modern templates for documents like contracts and invoices that can then be used by AI to generate new content.

SharePoint FAQs

To help you better understand the SharePoint solution, we've put together an FAQ page where you can learn more about the technology, its uses and its benefits.

Learn more
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Why Choose Storm?

With a proven project methodology backed by 25+ years experience addressing business challenges through digital transformation, Storm Technology is one of Ireland's most trusted technology consultancies. We carefully match each project with a team of highly skilled professionals, handpicked to align industry and application expertise with your unique business requirements.

How we Work

We have worked closely with Storm Technology for a number of years, supporting the Build to Share Applications programme... The resources provided have been excellent and have enabled us to make a fundamental improvement in how applications are built, deployed and maintained within Government.

Owen Harrison
Head of Systems Development & Data @ Department of Public Expenditure and Reform

Storm delivered a system that facilitates information sharing across the business. We benefited from their experience and ability to understand our requirements and specific challenges. They developed an intuitive, user-friendly solution that enhanced and supported the way we work together.

Kelli-Ann Sweeney
Chief Operating Officer, Goshawk

We rely on Storm Technology for day-to-day SharePoint support - so that we can focus on our own jobs - as well as being a trusted partner that can help us understand the best way to use the platform and deploy it to deliver the business solutions we seek

Amy Richards
Service Desk Manager at CIE

Storm Technology has been instrumental in our IT and Business Transformation Project moving LIA from a labour intensive organisation to a technology-enabled organisation. We continue to work with Storm in refining and enhancing our system so that it continues to be a best in class solution.

Joanne Keane
Chief Executive, LIA
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