
Share, organise and discover information with SharePoint

Harness the power of SharePoint's secure and collaborative functionality to act as a company information portal or enterprise document management system.

Share, organise and discover information with SharePoint

Empower teamwork with instant information access anytime, anywhere.

With more information at their fingertips than ever before, companies are challenged to find new and innovative ways to connect employees with the information they need and to balance the needs of the modern workplace while keeping data protected.

With robust and flexible document storage and retrieval capabilities, SharePoint allows employees to quickly access the content they need day-to-day. Backed by over 25 years of experience, the team at Storm has the technical insight and information management knowledge to help your business unlock the potential of SharePoint.

What can Sharepoint do for your business?

Create a collaborative culture with improved data-flow backed by enterprise-level security.

Streamline and automate key business processes for increased productivity.

Eliminate communication disconnect with an optimised content delivery platform.


SharePoint Key Features

Seamless Collaboration

Empower employees with a seamless collaboration solution for every team or department with rich solutions for extranets, enterprise content management and advanced search.

Employee Engagement

Create an informed and engaged workforce with Storm's Connect intranet, acting as a digital front door for your company and providing a space for all company updates and idea-sharing.

Streamline Business Processes

Boost productivity with seamless integration to Power Platform, MS Forms and the entire Microsoft 365 suite for improved content management and process automation.

High-Class Security

SharePoint is backed with the best in class Microsoft security to ensure you can store and share content with ease with the ability to implement additional compliance functionality.

Document Management

Leverage the power of SharePoint to centrally manage documents efficiently with a secure EDRMS. Automate filing and implement governance around documents with a user-friendly system.

Advanced Capabilities

Upgrade your content management processes with automation and AI capabilities in SharePoint Premium. Automate content distribution, create AI-generated content and improve content searchability.

Download our SharePoint Brochure


SharePoint FAQs

To help you better understand the SharePoint solution, we've put together an FAQ page where you can learn more about the technology, its uses and its benefits.

Learn more
Team Meeting

Why Choose Storm?

With a proven project methodology backed by 25+ years experience addressing business challenges through digital transformation, Storm Technology is one of Ireland's most trusted technology consultancies. We carefully match each project with a team of highly skilled professionals, handpicked to align industry and application expertise with your unique business requirements.

How we Work
Change Management

Change Management

We understand that return on investment is dependent on a high user adoption rate. Which is why we focus not only on the technology but on the human side of change. Our dedicated change management team specialises in creating positive employee experiences through strategic change management initiatives and user training.

Change Management

Storm has significant experience and a proven track record in delivering projects of this nature (from both the technical and business transformation perspective). They demonstrated significant knowledge and experience in the key factors for success including the collaboration and communication platform (MS Teams), Intranet and document management system development/deployment, change management, knowledge management, governance, and training.

John Burke
Director of ICT

Storm Technology has been instrumental in our IT and Business Transformation Project moving LIA from a labour intensive organisation to a technology-enabled organisation. We continue to work with Storm in refining and enhancing our system so that it continues to be a best in class solution.

Joanne Keane
Chief Executive, LIA

Information is now logically stored and organised which makes it easier to file documents in the right place. Powerful search saves time searching for documents while automatic version control reduces duplication and loss of information. Moving to online document management has been a game-changer.

Theresa Cloonan
IS Program Manager

We rely on Storm Technology for day-to-day SharePoint support - so that we can focus on our own jobs - as well as being a trusted partner that can help us understand the best way to use the platform and deploy it to deliver the business solutions we seek

Amy Richards
Service Desk Manager at CIE
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Get in touch to find out how Storm Technology can help you grow your business with scalable, future-ready solutions.